Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why am I doing this?

That is a very good question and one that doesn't have an easy answer for me. As a child, I generally had a diary or notebook for writing. When I graduated from high school and found myself fairly alone and going through a rough time in college, I started journaling. I stopped writing my every inner thought and paranoia when I married. It seemed childish somehow. While cleaning my garage recently, I rediscovered those journals. My first and only thought about them was that I needed to get rid of them. There were two reasons. One, they were damaged by a long ago flood of our garage and covered in mold. Two, they were downright embarrassing!
After looking through one or two, I discovered that my 22 year old self was a whiner who was waiting for something to happen. The predominant thing I was waiting for? Love. I wanted to love someone and be loved in return. Well, I found it and fortunately still have it. I count myself lucky that I have my family. They drive me nuts at times, but don't all families?
So here it is, some 15ish years later and the Internet has taken over our world. It's possible to journal and put your thoughts into the world for others to read. Which begs the question, why would you do that? I don't have an answer for that. I think, for me, I just want to express an opinion occasionally. I don't care if anyone reads it (or maybe I do and that's why this blog is happening.) More than anything, I want to write again and I don't want to be embarrassed by what I've written. I'm older and less whiny. Also, some of what I say might be worth reading to someone, like my daughters in a couple of years.
Not an easy answer or a very good one, but there it is. And those old journals? In the landfill and gone forever thank goodness.

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