Wednesday, July 4, 2012

This Writing Thing

When I was 9 years old (the same age as my daughter is now), I had to do a report on what I wanted to be as an adult. My report was about being an architect. It's what I wanted to do then. I don't know how or why I settled on that, but I had a love of buildings. They were amazing and you never knew what went on inside one of them. I used to sketch floor plans of sprawling and impossible homes and then populate them with an imaginary family.

In the ninth grade, we had career day. You went to the guidance counselor and told them what you were interested in doing as a career. In return, they gave you a print out of the kind of classes you would need to take for the rest of high school and then what your college courses would likely end up being. Back then, in 1986, there was a helluva lot of math involved in becoming an architect. Did I mention that I am not good at math? 

About this time, I discovered that while my math skills completely sucked my writing skills were pretty good. And even better, I enjoyed writing! Ever since then, it has been my dream to be a writer. But as I have said before, I have no follow through at all. I've been published once (a short story in a college journal.) But I have never finished anything.

Perhaps its time to get cracking.

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