Wednesday, February 13, 2013

That Movie. You Know the One.

It's the movie, that no matter what you're doing if it's on, you watch it. Flipping channels and come across the movie five minutes from the end? You still watch it. Half way through? Might as well watch the rest, right? And if you come in at the very opening? Score.

I'm positive everyone has one of these movies and I am about to share mine. Its While You Were Sleeping, starring the ever wonderful Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman. I shouldn't love this movie as much as I do. I don't care for Bill Pullman much and I don't do romantic comedy very often. But this movie, to me, is as close to perfect as a romantic comedy can get. Read on as I explain!

First of all, the lead character is sympathetic, likable, attractive and funny. This was Sandra Bullock's first movie post Speed with Keanu Reeves and she more than carries it. Her character, Lucy, is alone in the world after her father passes away. She has a terrible job and is lonely (two things I could absolutely identify with back when this movie came out.) She's got a crush on someone who is completely unattainable and no other prospects for romance. I get this girl. Or at least my younger self got her. I identified with her and felt her pain when she says the line, "He didn't want me." God, did I know how that felt!

The second reason this movie works is the chemistry she has with her leading man.   Bill Pullman is a good actor. But he isn't conventionally handsome. I'd call him average. If I met him in real life, I'd probably think, "Huh. There's something about that guy." I couldn't really tell you another movie he was in that I truly liked him. Okay, maybe Independence Day but that movie is pretty terrible. And although I love Newsies, he wasn't good in that at all. Anyway, he and Sandra Bullock have great chemistry. They're completely believable. Together, they make me want them to end up together.

The third reason is the supporting cast. They're all so damned good. Peter Boyle, Peter Gallagher, Micole Mercurio, all great and funny. Its no wonder she fell in love with all of them.

I've seen this movie a million times. Or at least too many times to count. But I always stop and watch no matter where it is in the movie, no matter what else I was about to watch, no matter what time of day. I love it that much.